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Our Chix at the Crossroads event was a fantastic experience from our beginning registration and tech-in at Wheels Through Time in Maggie Valley, to our final day together riding from Clarksdale, MS to Memphis, TN. We had an impressive group of women riders who really dug in to the theme of the event. They eagerly listened to the Spotify playlist that was compiled specifically for this event, and most of them visited every single museum we suggested. Five museums were included in their registration package, so the riders could have just done those "for free" and moved along, but to a person, they all visited many other museums and sites, enjoying and embracing the experience.

I cannot say enough about the amazing support crew we had: Ryan Allen, Dana & Mary Lasher, Kellie Rendleman, Henry Rendleman (at tech-in), Joe Sparrow & Gary Wright. Several of the bikes presented at tech check with issues, and our crew knuckled down and made things happen. Even with that, they had all the bikes teched in on the first day, so the second day, they were free to work on remaining issues, spend time getting to know the riders, and doing some extra prepping for the next two weeks based on what they had seen at tech.

During the two week ride, this team handled every sort of thing from minor fixes, to fixing or replacing yard saled pieces and parts, to somewhat major diagnostics and repairs. I cannot thank them enough. They were the dream team, and we are all grateful for their positive, can-do spirit, their mechanical and improvisational skills, and teamwork.

The routes, designed by Dana Lasher, with assistance from Mary Lasher, were incredible. Not only did Dana put us on fantastic roads with well chosen lunch stops and plentiful gas stations, she made sure that we were on tree-lined blacktop as much as possible. This is no small feat - you can ride for miles in the deep south on desolate roads with no shade in sight. We hit some high temps in southern Mississippi, which were a challenge for us and our bikes, but riding under tree canopies for a good bit of each day helped tremendously, keeping us as cool as possible, given the environment.

For the time being, we will not be planning any more 'official' two-week events; rather, we are going to smaller events that more of our members can afford, both in time and money. These larger events take a full two years to plan, which takes our board away from being able to serve the chapter in other ways. While I love seeing women absolutely blossom during these amazing experiences, I believe we can reach more women, do more skill building, and have the same overall impact on women riders if we do smaller, more affordable events.

That said, look for our first AMCA road run in May, 2025. It will be in southeastern Kentucky where the roads are absolutely fantastic! We will bring more details and provide registration links as they are ready.

Till then, thanks everyone for an epic Chix at the Crossroads, and if you missed it, please join us in KY, 2025!

CHIX Logo with Dates.jpg

A word about membership. 
Remember that your chapter membership runs on the calendar year – 1/1/2023 – 12/31/2023, for example – so your chapter membership will likely expire at a different time than your AMCA membership does. 
1.    If you are not a current AMCA member, click here to join.
2.    If you are a current AMCA member and just need to renew your Riveter Chapter membership, send your dues via PayPal to our Treasurer Kathy Strobele. The PayPal email is  
3.    If you have any questions about membership status, contact our Membership Director Joann Mikulec

How do we keep the Riveter Chapter visible between these annual events? 
Share what you are doing in your own communities, home chapters, riding organizations, wherever you participate in motorcycling events. If you are at an event, please post, share or tag Chix and Riveter social media (we are on Facebook and Instagram). 
FB Riveter Private Group
FB Chix Vintage Riders Public Page
Instagram Chix Vintage Riders Page

•    The purpose of this chapter is for us to get to know each other and see what we are all doing. Social media is the perfect outlet for us to make this happen. Our members are spread across the country, so large gatherings of members are going to be few and far between, but sharing the events we attend, the work we do on our bikes, etc., is a great way to support each other and become more aware that we are not all operating in a vacuum. 
•    If you have an idea or want to create an event or believe that there is something that the chapter can offer its members, please get in touch with one of our board members (see the complete list of board members on the Riveter Chapter website This is your chapter. If you are willing to put an event together where you live or know of an event where you would like to see a Riveter presence, we can help you make that happen. 
•    We are always looking for members who want to be active on a more committed level. There are committee opportunities – either a committee the board has established, or you can propose a committee if you have an idea that would require more planning and execution than you are willing to do on your own.    

This sounds like something I want to dig into. What else can I do?
If you want to play a larger role in your chapter, here are just a few ideas for you to consider. Some I have already mentioned above, and some are simply needs that we do not yet have personnel for.
•    Social media coordination – we are still looking for someone willing to manage our social media content on Facebook and Instagram – this is one of the best ways to stay in touch with our members and share what Riveters are doing with a wider audience. This could be shared among several people.
•    Membership recruiting – do you know women who might be interested in joining the Riveter Chapter? Forward this site to them. Bring them to an event you are attending. Introduce them to other members. 
•    Event planning/attendance – if you have an idea for an event – no matter how small and local it may be, or if you gather a few Riveters to attend an event – maybe a local bike night, a road run, one of the bigger rallies like Sturgis or Daytona, etc. – let us know, and we can help coordinate meetups or whatever you have in mind.
•    Education – riding techniques, mechanical instruction (repairs/maintenance, etc.)
•    Promoting Riveter contributions to motorcycling, etc. If you or someone you know is participating in a motorcycle event – maybe having an antique bike judged, or racing at Sons of Speed, or participating in something like the Chase or Cannonball – we will promote the event and our members through our social media channels.
Thank you for your support of the Riveter Chapter. We are excited about our future, and we are happy that you have chosen to be part of our adventure.
Karan Andrea

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©2024 by Riveter Chapter of the AMCA, Inc.

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